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Tomorrow I'll Rest

Thank you all for the support you have provided for this poem! Here it is below!

“Birds are chirping, bright blue sky!” the foreman cries

“I know,” I groan. Act I Scene I of the same play

as yesterday, and all the other days I vowed there would be no show.

As I stand, one thought won’t go.

Tomorrow I’ll rest.

Muscles screaming, I must be dreaming.

Back is aching, it must be faking.

Head is ringing, I’ll just keep swinging.

And through it all, one thought stands tall.

Tomorrow I’ll rest.

Only darkness… the air is heavy… can’t see.

Grunts… cries… thwacks… not a light in sight.

All I know is that we’re approaching the night

And— this time I promise—

tomorrow I’ll rest.

Out of the cave

(I’ll make it clear)

There’s really no change

Ten years a slave

(And you mean to tell me)

All the world’s a stage?

I’ve only had one part, and I know it by heart.

But let me explain:

Tomorrow I’ll rest.

The curtains fall, that’s the closure.

Dreams at last! The day is over!

And what luck I have that

Tomorrow I’ll rest.

“Up, up, up! You boys are late!”

Wait, wait, wait! Today was the date!

Yes, today was the day!

Alright, down one more time, I think as I dress.

For tomorrow— yes, tomorrow—

I’ll rest.

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